Friday, December 28, 2018

frosty the snowman the meg

yesterday  I bought  the  meg frost the  snowman on dvd  and frosty the snowman from Target  glenwood  springs and  I bought a csu hat Colorado state  hat  it will match my Colorado state  Jersey  root Csu  Rams  and  I love the Rams and go  Rams and lets  go Rams 

Tuesday, December 25, 2018

i just open my christmas presents and my todd helton

and I just opend my  Christmas  presents today and  I will  open them get home from work later after  and  I am very excited to open them and see what  I got  and   the Colorado Rockies 25 1993 2018   all time  t shirt I open them all today and  I just got  Ryan Bruan Jersey brewers hat  and my dad got  me  iowa Hawkeyes sweetshirt and a  hat and sweetpants  today and todd helton  han  solo shocking  and a  Christmas story and  my Denver  Broncos Jacket 

Thursday, December 20, 2018

Mountain soul yoga with tara 2018

Today we went to the Mountain soul yoga  with Tara today and  I felt relax  and  peaceful Refresh  and  Relaxed today and we had lunch at subway  in Edwards and went to  Wecmrd today and we went  to Walmart at the end of day

Sunday, December 16, 2018

my christmas tree

my  Christmas Tree  and  my presents  under the tree  I don't  open them on Christmas Day  and see what got for Christmas from Santa this time  and  I will get the cookies out  and the  milk in the glass  for  Santa and get the  Christmas list  out

Friday, December 7, 2018

the Colorado Rockies 2007 team photo

the  Colorado Rockies  2007 Team  photo and all the  Rockies  Players  like  Brad Hawpe Matt holiday Jason Hirsh Cory Sullivan Josh Fogg  and Zach Mcclellan araon  Cook   Jeff Baker  Ryan Spilborghs  Ubaldo Jiménez Brian Fuentes La Hawkins Matt Herges and Jeff francis Troy Tulowitzki Todd Helton Manny Corpas

Wednesday, December 5, 2018

Rudoph the red nose

yesterday wear  Rudolph red  nose Reindeer  I  didn't join games  and the Reindeer Laughing my  nose flashing nose so bright and all the  Reindeer games  and my  nose was flashing so bright  and the Reindeer join games 

My Christmas Tree

my  Christmas  tree and  I put  in the  living room open them and  I put my  presents under the tree open them on Christmas day open my Christmas  day  Christmas  shocking  I am buying them Tommrrow  a Christmas Shocking at Target  in Glenwood Springs 

Saturday, December 1, 2018

Men's Super G Birds of Prey 2018

Men's Super G  Birds of Prey what a Crazy weather  Today snowing  really come down really hard this afternoon it was Delayed Weather it came down really  hard and the race  was back on  it Start the race  this afternoon

Friday, November 30, 2018

Men's Downhill Birds of prey 2018

Men's Downhill Birds of prey and Tommrrow is the Super G Tommrrow  race for the Super G Tommrrow for the Super G Race  it was fun day afternoon fun day tommrrow is the super G tommrrow  get there early Tommrrow fun day tommrrow  Steven Nyman Wiley Maple  Bryce Bennett Jared Goldberg

Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Rocktober reunion 2007

Rocktober Reunion 2007 at Coors Field  Denver  Colorado town Denver LoDo Denver  in the  Corner  in Blake Down Town Denver  the Colorado Rockies  players  walking  in to the Ballpark at Coors Field  in Denver Colorado the Rockies  players  rocktober  Reunion   introduction ceremony  at the ballpark Coors Field  Denver Colorado