Jordan knight is the singing of the new kids on the block and i will marry Jordan knight to be Mrs knight and Jordan knight will go to lingerie store for our honeymoon in Miami for our wedding night honeymoon suite in Miami in a hotel room and i can wait to marry Jordan knight and i wait to be Mrs knight it will be a surprise for Jordan knight for my lingerie and i will love Jordan knight and will have Christmas eve and Christmas day and new years and valentines day and anniversary celebrate and the knight house and will to be a stepmom for Jordan knight sons and build our new house together in Edwards and I can’t wait our brand house build in Edwards and start our new lives together and Jordan knight loves me and will be a great wife together and to have babies together and and wait to have babies with Jordan knight Jordan knight and i cant wait t Jordan knight will be a fat Jordan knight will be a great a father of my child Jordan knight will take care of and take care of the baby and feed it change the Diaper And Jordan knight will be good father to my child

Jordan knight is the singinger of the new kids on the blockwhen i get married jordn knight build a house together in edwards and our honeymoon in is Miami suite and I will have a surprise for jordan knight and will wear some lingerie store for our wedding night for jordan knight our honeymoon and i will be mrs knight and i want a family together with jordan knight and have kids together and babies together and jordan and two sons to be a stepmom jordan knight sons together ans share a house together and celebrate and christmas day and Christmas eve and celebrate new years eve together